drop in solar energy prices since 2010
drop in wind energy prices since 2010
Source: Actis
for a 230-watt solar panel 10 years ago
for a 550-watt solar panel today
Source: Actis
share of electricity generation from wind and solar in Denmark and Uruguay compared to 19% in EU-27 (2021)
Source: EMBER
price increase in Natural Gas year-to-date, raising European gas prices to record highs
Source: BloombergNEF (Aug 2022)

share of renewables in the world electricity generation mix in 2021, rising from 18.5% in 2000
Source: IEA, Global Energy Review 2021
increase in renewable power generation necessary annually between 2021 and 2030 to meet the Net Zero level
Source: IEA, Global Energy Review 2021
of total imports of natural gas to the EU came from Russia in 2020
Source: IMF Natural Gas in Europe (Jul 2022)
Since 2013 Actis has mobilised $15bn in renewable energy
Source: Actis