Responsible Investment & Sustainability Policy: Values Drive Value 2023
At Actis, we believe that Values drive Value, meaning that by investing responsibly, we create businesses that are more resilient, more innovative, better able to deliver societal and environmental benefits, and ultimately more valuable. Instilling world-class environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards as part of our overall responsible investment approach is a core lever for risk mitigation and value creation. We focus on identifying and managing ESG issues (risks or opportunities) which are material to our businesses and we work in partnership with our companies to support them towards achievement of international best practice. In addition, we seek to measure and manage all our investments to enhance the positive impacts on society and the environment.
Our approach enables our companies to:
- Mitigate risks and capture opportunities to build higher quality businesses;
- Access finance more readily;
- Secure a “social license to operate” and improve resilience;
- Establish and maintain high standards of corporate governance, conduct and business integrity;
- Attract, motivate and retain the best talent; and
- Establish and enhance their reputation as sustainable businesses.
Actis recognises that ESG issues are complex and dynamic, and that an adaptive and forward-thinking approach is necessary in this environment. Our approach seeks to align with the principles of international conventions, standards and guidelines such as, but not limited to: The Modern Slavery Act 2015, United Kingdom; the UN- supported Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”); the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; the UN Sustainable Development Goals (“SDG”); the IFC Operating Principles for Impact Management; and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). This Responsible Investment and Sustainability Policy (herein “the Policy”) applies to all Actis investments and addresses the following areas:
- Exclusions
- Investing with Impact
- Environment
- Climate Change
- Social Impact and Human Capital
- Business Integrity
- Investee Company Undertaking
For the full white paper download the publication.