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Shami Nissan coverage in Infrastructure Investor: The pipeline global summit special day 2

20 March 2024
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Actis Partner and Head of Sustainability, Shami Nissan, was quoted in Infrastructure Investor following her participation on a panel on a just transition at the Infrastructure Investor Global Network’s Summit in Berlin in March. Click here to read the write-up from the Summit and read on below for Shami’s comments.


Shami Nissan, Partner and Head of Sustainability at Actis, commented:

“I really want to make sure everyone in the room understands that the irradiation from the sun and the strength of the wind on this planet is distributed very differently in the northern and southern hemispheres. So, if you think about this from an effective point of view and climate impact, where do we need to put these renewable assets to really move the needle? It’s actually in the Global South… and if we fix capital going to the south, actually we address not just the effective piece, but the just [piece as well].”

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