Infrastructure Investor: Seizing the green opportunity at scale
Lucy Heintz, Partner, Head of Energy Infrastructure at Actis, spoke to Barclay Ballard of Infrastructure Investor for an article about the opportunity presented by the energy transition for private investors. Read Lucy’s comments below and click here to access the full article.
Lucy Heintz, Partner, Head of Energy Infrastructure at Actis, commented:
“The energy transition means different things to different people and has become something of a catch-all term. There are several areas in need of investment as we look to reconfigure our energy usage for a low-carbon economy. The opportunity figure around this is huge and the frontier technologies being developed to facilitate the transition are incredibly exciting.
“The scale of the energy transition opportunity means that there’s no way the public sector can afford to meet it, even if it wanted to.
“Everyone has a role to play. The good news is that there is a wall of money looking at the infrastructure space and there has been for some time. Infrastructure assets have also remained extremely resilient over decades – but most recently through the higher interest rates and inflationary pressures we’ve seen in many markets.
“Where you see the energy transition moving forward most quickly is where the public and private sectors are working well in partnership. This isn’t just regarding direct investment, but also where governments put the right regulations in place to direct private support and provide clear frameworks to guide that support in the right areas.”