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Citywire: ‘This is the critical decade’: The alts investors putting ESG front and centre

22 October 2024
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Shami Nissan, Partner and Head of Sustainability at Actis, spoke with Joseph Eden of Citywire for a piece looking at alternative assets investors focusing on sustainability.  Click here to read the full article or read on below for some of Shami’s comments.


Shami Nissan, Partner and Head of Sustainability at Actis, commented:

“This is the critical decade for us to meet Paris Agreement targets. We need to be sending capital to transition infrastructure in the global south if we are going to achieve that. The war on climate will be won or lost in Asia.


“I am not sure that it has really ended up being what it intended to be. It was supposed to be about disclosure, it is now being very much perceived as a labelling regime. It was never meant to be that, and it isn’t that. The work you have to do on establishing “do no harm” rationales is a challenge for everybody, because it’s on you. The regulator has not said “here’s a red line that constitutes a harm and here’s a number – if you are above it, it is harm”, nothing like that.”

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