Rx Propellant
Rx Propellant is a leading player in the life sciences real estate sector in India and is currently involved in development and marketing of a number of real estate projects in design-development stage across Hyderabad and Bangalore targeted at life sciences sector users, aggregating over 3 million square feet.
The team behind Rx Propellant brings more than a decade of rich experience in developing and promoting life sciences clusters in India. The team has been successfully delivering real estate solutions to tenants in the life sciences sector, through deep design, development, customisation and marketing expertise.
India’s life sciences sector holds huge potential for growth in the current decade, with a large talent pool at significantly competitive cost making it a compelling destination for global R&D and manufacturing.
Actis acquired RX Propellant in May 2022 and will invest in a buy & build programme targeting both greenfield and brownfield assets with an emphasis on sustainability. Rx Propellant will focus on thriving life sciences clusters in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Mumbai.