Values Drive Value: Actis Responsible Investing Report
“The penny has dropped. What we’ll see over the next few years is more capital gravitating towards responsible investment strategies. Those institutions able to provide high levels of transparency to stakeholders and offer a demonstrable story about being a responsible steward of their capital will be a compelling choice for investors both today and in the future.”
Local Government Super, Australia
“As a high profile investor, we see effective ESG management as crucial to our existence. And it’s really encouraging to see that others are now recognising the importance of responsible investment to the long-term success of their own investment programmes.”
California State Teachers’ Retirement System
“Actis is highly focused on ESG. It is a differentiating factor of Actis versus their peers. They place a lot more emphasis on this than other GPs”.
Asian sovereign investor
“ESG is something that is very much embedded into our overall investment strategy and we have a lot of policies on it. Our members expect us to consider environmental risks when investing. So it is a very important part of our strategy. We are very keen to do as much as we can in this space.
We were very impressed with Actis’ overall ESG integration and their robustness of research. I think the range of issues that they considered when looking at investments came across very strongly as a very thorough ESG integration process and a real understanding of the issues that affect emerging market investments in this sort of area which I think was really important.”
UK Pension Fund
“88% of research shows that solid ESG practices result in better operational performance of firms… ”
University of Oxford
“Firms with good performance on material sustainability issues significantly outperform…. investments in sustainability issues are shareholder-value enhancing”
Harvard Business School
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